Real-time Financial News

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2024-09-21 Saturday
  • 00:10:42

    Russian Economy Ministry: As of May 2, consumer inflation was at an annual rate of 2.42%, compared to 2.55% in the previous week.

  • 00:09:51

    CEO of First Horizon Bank: We are still in the process of processing this transaction.

  • 00:09:16

    CEO of First Horizon Bank: We have been notified by Toronto Dominion Bank about closing the transaction, and the closing of the transaction has nothing to do with us.

  • 00:01:36

    US ambassador to UN: Brazilian foreign policy adviser Celso Amorim will visit Ukraine "soon".

  • 00:00:52

    Russian consumer inflation was 0.19% in the week ended May 2.

  • 23:53:23

    The ECB hawks dropped the idea of a 50 basis point rate hike without much struggle, sources said.

  • 23:52:06

    The U.S. two-year Treasury yield fell to 3.8048%, the lowest since April 6.

  • 23:51:25

    ECB policymakers see no need to sell bonds under the asset purchase program, the sources said.

  • 23:51:19

    ECB Governing Council member Holzmann dissented from the rate hike decision, but he did not have voting rights at the meeting, sources said.

  • 23:50:25

    Sources said that some ECB policymakers expect to raise interest rates 2-3 times in the future.

  • 23:49:53

    ECB policymakers have agreed on a small rate hike to trade forward guidance on rate hikes for more leeway and will gradually wind down its asset purchase program, the sources said.

  • 23:48:45

    Saudi Aramco: Saudi Arabia set the official selling price of Arabian Light crude oil sold to the United States in June at a premium of $6.25 per barrel to the American Sour Crude Index (ASCI).

  • 23:47:50

    Saudi Aramco set the price of Arabian Light crude oil sold in Northwest Europe in June at a premium of $2.10 a barrel to the price of Brent crude on the Intercontinental Exchange.

  • 23:10:12

    According to CNBC: Alliance West Bank is considering the legal option of claiming compensation from the Financial Times.

  • 22:53:16

    Shares of Alliance West Bank rose sharply, paring losses to within 40% after the bank said reports it would sell its business were absolutely false.

  • 22:48:18

    Spot gold fell back after rising, and fell by US$8 in the short term, and is now at US$2053.31 per ounce.

  • 22:47:54

    Alliance West says reports that it is selling its business are absolutely false.

  • 22:44:37

    Spot gold rose more than 1.00% within the day and is now at $2,059.31 an ounce.

  • 22:42:22

    COMEX silver futures rose by 2.00% in the day and is now at $26.20 an ounce.

  • 22:40:24

    South African banks fell 3.6%, their biggest drop in nearly two months.

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