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2024-09-24 Tuesday
  • 00:04:06

    EIA Short-Term Energy Outlook Report: Natural gas prices are expected to be $2.91/MMBtu in 2023, compared to the previous forecast of $2.94/MMBtu. Natural gas prices are expected to be $3.72/MMBtu in 2024, compared to the previous forecast of $3.71/MMBtu.

  • 00:03:59

    EIA short-term energy outlook report: U.S. crude oil production is expected to increase by 640,000 barrels per day in 2023, up from 660,000 barrels per day previously. U.S. crude oil production is expected to rise by 160,000 barrels per day in 2024, up from 210,000 barrels per day previously.

  • 00:03:53

    EIA Short-Term Energy Outlook Report: It is estimated that the production of natural gas (dry gas) in the United States in 2023 will be 101.090 billion cubic feet per day, which was previously expected to be 100.870 billion cubic feet per day. U.S. natural gas (dry gas) production is expected to be 101.240 billion cubic feet per day in 2024, compared to the previous estimate of 101.580 billion cubic feet per day.

  • 00:03:46

    EIA short-term energy outlook report: U.S. crude oil production is expected to be 12.53 million barrels per day in 2023, up from 12.54 million barrels per day previously. U.S. crude oil production is expected to be 12.69 million barrels per day in 2024, up from 12.75 million barrels per day previously.

  • 00:03:36

    EIA Short-Term Energy Outlook Report: The US natural gas consumption is expected to be 87.540 billion cubic feet per day in 2023, compared with the previous estimate of 87.370 billion cubic feet per day. U.S. natural gas consumption is expected to be 86.050 billion cubic feet per day in 2024, compared with the previous estimate of 86.120 billion cubic feet per day.

  • 00:03:28

    EIA short-term energy outlook report: Brent price is expected to be US$78.65/barrel in 2023, which was previously expected to be US$85.01/barrel. The Brent price is expected to be US$74.47/barrel in 2024, compared with the previous forecast of US$81.21/barrel.

  • 00:03:11

    EIA short-term energy outlook report: WTI crude oil price is expected to be US$73.62/barrel in 2023, which was previously expected to be US$79.24/barrel. The WTI crude oil price is expected to be $69.47/barrel in 2024, compared with the previous forecast of $75.21/barrel.

  • 00:02:48

    EIA short-term energy outlook report: The growth rate of global crude oil demand in 2024 is expected to be 1.72 million barrels per day, which was previously expected to be 1.85 million barrels per day.

  • 00:02:15

    EIA short-term energy outlook report: The growth rate of global crude oil demand in 2023 is expected to be 1.56 million barrels per day, which was previously expected to be 1.44 million barrels per day.

  • 00:01:18

    The U.S. EIA short-term outlook for the year in May shows that U.S. crude oil production is expected to be 12.53 million barrels per day, compared with the previous value of 12.54 million barrels per day.

  • 00:01:17

    In May, the U.S. EIA estimated natural gas production in the next year to be 101.24 billion cubic feet per day, compared with the previous value of 101.58 billion cubic feet per day.

  • 23:50:00

    The EIA will release its monthly short-term energy outlook report in ten minutes; Fed Williams will deliver a speech in fifteen minutes.

  • 23:34:44

    Goldman Sachs: If LNG demand in Europe and elsewhere rebounds in the second half of 2023, its average winter price must exceed €90/MWh for storage purposes in the coming year.

  • 23:32:40

    Goldman Sachs cut its summer Dutch TTF gas price forecast to €70/MWh from €92/MWh previously.

  • 23:30:08

    U.S. and Bursa oil prices fell by US$0.9 in the short term, and are now at US$71.37/barrel and US$75.12/barrel respectively.

  • 23:20:42

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: After the attack on the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, we are ready to deal with any situation.

  • 22:59:36

    Brazilian National Association of Grain Exporters (ANEC): Brazilian soybean exports are expected to reach 15.35 million tons in May, and soybean meal exports are expected to reach 2.37 million tons in May.

  • 22:57:32

    Fitch: Market turmoil has increased liquidity volatility in bank deposits and money fund assets.

  • 22:48:42

    S&P Global Market Intelligence lowered its forecast for U.S. real GDP growth to 0.9% in 2024, from a previous forecast of 1.5%.

  • 22:47:37

    S&P Global Market Intelligence lowered its forecast for U.S. real GDP growth to 1.2% in 2023 from a previous forecast of 1.4%.

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