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2024-09-27 Friday
  • 19:52:57

    DBRS Morningstar placed the US AAA rating on Negative Watch.

  • 19:50:01

    OpenAI: The ChatGPT website is facing downtime issues and is continuing to investigate the issue.

  • 19:40:08

    The Istanbul Stock Exchange banking index rose 3% on the day, its biggest gain since May 12.

  • 19:27:47

    European Central Bank Governing Council Villeroy: The European Central Bank has completed most of the interest rate hikes.

  • 19:27:45

    European Central Bank Governing Council Villeroy: ECB interest rates should peak in the next three meetings.

  • 19:25:15

    European Central Bank Governing Council Villeroy: The European Central Bank has taken strong measures to tighten policy.

  • 19:11:46

    Indian Oil Limited: Natural gas production is expected to increase to 5 billion cubic meters per year within 1-2 years.

  • 19:09:14

    Indian Oil Limited: Crude oil production is expected to increase to 4 million tons per year within 1-2 years.

  • 18:51:14

    European Mediterranean Seismological Center: A 5.1-magnitude earthquake struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands.

  • 18:46:57

    Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida: A new Japan-ASEAN vision plan will be drafted at the December meeting.

  • 18:46:18

    WTI crude oil fell back below $73/barrel, down 1.65% within the day; Brent crude oil fell below $77/barrel, down 1.60% within the day.

  • 18:38:43

    According to Sky News: British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Google CEO will meet on Friday.

  • 18:38:01

    Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida: Will promote the digital joint work of ASEAN and Japan.

  • 18:31:43

    European Central Bank Governing Council Nagel: The European Central Bank will continue to tighten monetary policy to overcome high inflation.

  • 18:26:10

    Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida: We cannot tolerate acts of making debt traps.

  • 18:23:58

    Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida: The Japan-ASEAN summit will be held in December.

  • 18:21:08

    Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida: The G7 summit has strengthened the order based on the rule of law.

  • 18:11:21

    Confederation of British Industry: Retailers still face a challenging trading environment, with companies reporting disappointing sales and significant inflationary pressures. As a result, they had to scale back their workforce and investment plans.

  • 18:09:21

    [CBI Comments on UK Retail Sales Difference Data] Despite a return to growth last month, UK retail sales fell in the year to May. Retailers expect sales to stabilize next month. Against a backdrop of sluggish sales and mounting price pressures, retailers reported the fastest decline in headcount in the year to May since February 2009. Investment sentiment also saw its sharpest deterioration since May 2020. However, retailers expect a modest improvement in business conditions over the next three months.

  • 18:01:21

    UK May CBI retail sales expectations index 0, the previous value -7.

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