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2024-09-24 Tuesday
  • 19:20:04

    According to CNN: Photos from across Israel show the impact of attacks from Gaza on Saturday morning in Tel Aviv, northern Israel.

  • 19:15:47

    According to The Times of Israel: A bulldozer broke through the border fence between Israel and the Gaza Strip.

  • 19:13:40

    Oman calls on Israelis and Palestinians to exercise the utmost self-restraint.

  • 18:59:25

    Israeli Air Force: Fighters struck 17 military bases and 4 combat command centers belonging to Hamas.

  • 18:54:01

    According to the British Guardian: Riots and violence also occurred in Jerusalem and the West Bank.

  • 18:36:43

    According to CNN: The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) announced that it had captured Israeli soldiers, but the Israel Defense Forces has not yet responded.

  • 18:32:23

    According to the British Guardian: Ukraine’s Ministry of Energy said that eight settlements in Donetsk Oblast lost power yesterday due to shelling. Some residents in Dnipropetrovsk, Sumy, Kharkiv, Kherson and Cherniyev oblasts are still without electricity.

  • 18:24:29

    Market news: India will reduce the goods and services tax on molasses from 28% to 5%.

  • 18:05:17

    The open source website War mapper shows a rough map of the situation in Israel this morning. Hamas now controls several settlements along the border. Israel is launching attacks on Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip.

  • 18:00:01

    According to Iranian media reports: An adviser to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said that Iran supports Palestinian attacks on Israel.

  • 17:58:22

    Lebanese Hezbollah: The latest events are a "decisive response" to the continued Israeli occupation and a warning message to those seeking to normalize relations with Israel.

  • 17:57:45

    Lebanese Hezbollah: We are closely following the situation in the Gaza Strip and are in "direct contact" with the leadership of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas).

  • 17:47:15

    According to Sky News: The Israel Defense Forces are reinforcing forces in the southern Gaza Strip and surrounding communities with several combat units.

  • 17:43:54

    Turkish President Erdogan: Called on Israelis and Palestinians to exercise restraint and avoid attacks that would aggravate the situation.

  • 17:35:05

    According to RIA Novosti: Belarusian President Lukashenko sent birthday greetings to Russian President Vladimir Putin via phone. The two heads of state also discussed the upcoming contact schedule.

  • 17:29:05

    French President Macron: I strongly condemn the current terrorist attacks against Israel.

  • 17:27:22

    Palestinian President: The Palestinian people have the right to resist "the terror of the colonists and occupying forces."

  • 17:23:38

    According to the Russian Sputnik Network: A Hamas representative said that Hamas announced the capture of more than 35 Israeli soldiers and civilians.

  • 17:21:36

    According to the British Guardian: British Prime Minister Sunak said that he was shocked by the attack by Hamas terrorists on Israeli citizens this morning and that Israel had the absolute right to defend itself.

  • 17:18:50

    According to the Guardian: There are several videos showing an older Israeli woman in the Gaza Strip. Israeli media reported there were dozens of Israeli hostages.

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