Real-time Financial News

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2024-09-28 Saturday
  • 17:41:26

    OPEC Secretary-General: OPEC will set up a pavilion at the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference this year.

  • 17:33:20

    German Chancellor Scholz: Germany and France are discussing providing security guarantees to Ukraine.

  • 17:33:10

    Bank Indonesia official: The depreciation of the Indonesian rupiah is due to insufficient domestic demand and US dollar suppliers demanding a higher exchange rate.

  • 17:33:00

    Bank Indonesia official: Bank Indonesia will always participate in market actions to respond to the depreciation of the Indonesian rupiah.

  • 17:32:44

    Bank of England: The Financial Policy Committee maintained the countercyclical capital buffer rate at 2%. Some members of the Financial Policy Committee recommended increasing the capital count buffer rate to enhance resilience, and also discussed the reasons for lowering the capital count buffer rate. The Financial Policy Committee is prepared to adjust the capital count buffer rate at any time, whether by increasing or decreasing it, as the risk environment develops.

  • 17:32:21

    OPEC Secretary-General: OPEC believes in a just, inclusive and realistic transition.

  • 17:32:17

    Bank of England: There has been a "significant increase" in 35-year home mortgage lending, no significant net sales by buy-to-let landlords, but tenants bear higher costs, and the UK banking system remains resilient despite a significant deterioration in economic and financial conditions elasticity.

  • 17:31:35

    Bank of England: Valuations of some risk assets, such as U.S. technology stocks and U.S. dollar high-yield and investment-grade bonds, are “too high.”

  • 17:31:23

    Bank of England: It is recommended that sterling money market funds hold a 7-day maturity asset buffer equivalent to at least 50-60% of fund assets.

  • 17:30:27

    Bank of England: British household financial conditions remain under pressure.

  • 17:30:21

    The Bank of England said the overall risk environment remains challenging.

  • 17:30:18

    Bank of England: High debt service ratios for British households are rising.

  • 17:30:01

    OPEC Secretary-General: OPEC+ actions will help reduce volatility in the oil market.

  • 17:29:19

    German Chancellor Scholz: We also agree that it is important to avoid further escalation.

  • 17:29:10

    German Chancellor Scholz: In a conference call with the leaders of the United States, France and the United Kingdom, we agreed that Israel has the right to defend itself against this inhumane attack.

  • 17:28:37

    Data shows: Thailand has received 20.55 million foreign tourists so far this year, and Thailand has received 861.8 billion baht in tourism revenue from tourists.

  • 17:14:18

    Italian Economy Minister: With the reform of EU budget rules, strict control of public spending will become a necessary measure.

  • 17:12:12

    Kremlin: No date set for Palestinian leader’s Moscow visit.

  • 17:10:32

    Kremlin: Ukrainian President Zelensky’s comments that Russia’s fomenting conflict in the Middle East is in its interests are “baseless”; We have long-standing historical ties with the Palestinians, and we continue to have ties; Russia intends to continue its efforts and strengthen its ties with Israel and to play a role in the search for peace between Palestine.

  • 17:09:25

    Italian Economy Minister: Recent economic indicators show that it is possible to gradually return to the growth track in the second half of this year.

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