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2024-09-24 Tuesday
  • 18:18:32

    German Chancellor Scholz: (Commenting on Hungarian Prime Minister Orban’s boycott of Ukraine’s EU accession negotiations) It is important that everyone communicates with each other and the goal is to reach an agreement.

  • 18:17:21

    German Chancellor Scholz: (Speech on the EU budget) Although it is impossible to provide large-scale additional spending in the EU, it needs to show support for Ukraine.

  • 18:16:46

    German Chancellor Scholz: It is necessary to show our support for Ukraine because this is in line with the goals we have set.

  • 18:16:18

    White House: The United States announced that dozens of pharmaceutical companies have raised prices faster than inflation, triggering health insurance refunds.

  • 18:14:44

    German Chancellor Scholz: It is very important to advance the process of joining the EU now.

  • 18:09:51

    British Foreign Secretary Cameron: (Speaking on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict) We will ban those responsible for settler violence from entering the UK.

  • 18:02:26

    Israel’s Ministry of Energy: Tamar gas field partners will be allowed to export up to 500 million cubic meters of natural gas to Egypt.

  • 18:01:00

    According to Iraqi state media: The Central Bank of Iraq said that the United States has agreed to fulfill Iraq’s requirements for the transportation of cash dollars in 2024.

  • 17:58:07

    Russian President Putin: May visit Türkiye in early 2024.

  • 17:56:39

    Russian President Vladimir Putin: It is very important to maintain the mechanisms of the United Nations, such as the veto power.

  • 17:54:22

    Russian President Vladimir Putin: Turkish President Erdogan plays a leading role in the Gaza issue.

  • 17:52:36

    Russian President Vladimir Putin: Russia will invest more than 1 trillion rubles in occupied areas every year.

  • 17:50:04

    Russian President Vladimir Putin: Russian troops are strengthening almost all frontline positions in Ukraine.

  • 17:49:06

    Russian President Vladimir Putin: It is foolish and tragic for Ukrainian elite troops to suffer casualties in the eastern region of the Donetsk River.

  • 17:45:30

    Russian President Vladimir Putin: Slovak Prime Minister Fico and Hungarian Prime Minister Orban are not pro-Russian politicians.

  • 17:44:57

    Swiss National Bank President Jordan: Foreign exchange sales have played a positive role in curbing inflation in the past, but now there is no need to focus on foreign exchange sales.

  • 17:43:36

    Russian President Vladimir Putin: Russia is willing to establish relations with the United States, but there are currently no conditions for improving relations with the United States.

  • 17:41:54

    Swiss National Bank President Jordan: The focus is obviously not on foreign exchange sales, and we do not rule out the possibility of actively participating in the foreign exchange market.

  • 17:38:43

    Russian President Vladimir Putin: The West has provided Kiev with everything it promised, but since Kiev began its counteroffensive, we have destroyed 747 tanks and 2,300 armored vehicles.

  • 17:38:01

    Russian President Vladimir Putin: Russia’s unemployment rate has reached 2.9% for the first time in history.

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